
106/03/13(一)Conceptual Modelling within OMiLAB: an Agile Engineering Approach


講者:Prof. Dimitris Karagiannis (University of Vienna)

講題:Conceptual Modelling within OMiLAB: an Agile Engineering Approach

摘要:Conceptual modelling methods are increasingly important, both for the analysis of existing enterprise systems (i.e., evaluation of an As-Is situation) and for the setup of new systems (i.e., simulation or analysis of different design decisions). Various management approaches have been built on modelling methods or languages - popular examples are Business Process Management or various Enterprise Architecture frameworks. An adequately designed modelling method will allow its users to abstract away details that are irrelevant to their decision-making needs, while enabling a focussed analysis of relevant properties in order to support or validate actions and decisions. Diagrammatic notations can support communication and understanding among stakeholders, while formal foundations are necessary to support machine-interpretability and to automate model-based functionality (e.g., simulation, code generation).

Traditionally, modelling methods/languages for business (e.g., BPMN, Archimate) have pursued an ambition of standardization. However, we arrive at a point where modelling methods must be flexible enough to adapt to evolving modelling requirements. As modellers may require additional domain-specificity, or stakeholders may raise additional requirements for model-driven software, the Modelling Method Engineer is called to agilely incorporate such changes in a modelling method and its implementation (modelling tool). In support of this, the keynote will argue for the necessity of an Agile Modelling Method Engineering (AMME) paradigm and will present the steps that have been made in this direction within OMiLAB (Open Models Laboratory, www.omilab.org) - a research environment and collaboration space setup at University of Vienna. Both research results and educational resources, like the NEMO Summer School Series (http://nemo.omilab.org/2017/), that are available to the OMiLAB open community will be summarised.

簡介:Professor Dimitris Karagiannis read at the Technical University of Berlin, where he graduated with a PhD in Computer Science. From 1987 to 1992 he led the Business Information Systems group at the Research Institute for Applied Management (FAW) in Ulm as a scientific director. He has been a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna and head of the Research Group Knowledge Engineering since 1993. 2011 he was awarded an honorary professorship by the Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca in Romania. He has held appointment as a visiting professor and scientific expert at many international institutions.

As head of the Knowledge Engineering group his main research areas are Business Process Management, Meta-Modelling, and Knowledge Management. He has published several books and scientific papers in journals and conferences on Knowledge Databases, Expert Systems, Business Process Management, Workflow-Systems, and Knowledge Management. In 1995 he established the Business Process Management Systems Approach (BPMS), which has been successfully implemented in several companies.

Prof. Karagiannis is the founder and head of the supervisory board of the BOC Group (www.boc-group.com). 2008 he was a founding member of the Open Models Initiative and created 2012 the Open Models Laboratory (www.omilab.org), based on the ADOxx meta-modelling platform (www.adoxx.org). He is, in addition to his longstanding engagement in national and EU-funded research projects, a reviewer for the European Commission. He is a member of the IEEE and ACM and serves on the steering committee member of the Austrian Computer Society.

    間:106/03/13(一) 19:00~19:30


